Using data for classroom intervention

Unit 2: Reporting Data and Using it to Inform Intervention Which Leads to Improvement

Learn how to use data to drive successful classroom interventions in just two weeks.

Used worldwide by schools, parents and teachers to boost learner performance and wellbeing.

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Introduction to Unit 2

In Unit 2 we cover individual leaner intervention strategies, showing you how to use data to design, reinforce and forward plan interventions.
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Unit aims

To complete Unit 2, you will need to:

Learning Outcomes

Consisting of just 20 GLH, upon completion, you will be able to:

Design successful targeted classroom intervention plans.

Engage stakeholders such as learners, other teaching staff and parents with the data and intervention plan.

Design an intervention strategy using the data within the Performance Learning Diagnostic Tool.

With details on how, when and where the intervention will take place as well as who will oversee it.

Clearly understand and be able to explain what resources will be used to make changes.

Share the importance of involving stakeholders and the best way to communicate and engage with each of them.

Foresee, forward plan and adapt when faced with obstruction or resistance from stakeholders

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