Understanding how we learn new information

Unit 4: The Performance Learning Progress and Attainment Curriculum

Learn what’s needed to accelerate progress and discover easy techniques to help your learners grasp new information

Used worldwide by schools, parents and teachers to boost learner performance and wellbeing.

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Understanding the way we learn 

The way we teach has remained the same for decades. It’s how we were taught, and it’s often how we teach now. But what if there’s a better way?

Luckily, there is; because our understanding of the way we learn and therefore, the way we should all teach, has changed dramatically in recent years. 
This unit explores the importance of the seven Performance Learning steps needed to improve the way we learn and take on new information.

While showing you how you can intervene within your classroom to boost progress and attainment with these new learning principles.

Introduction to Unit 4

In Unit 4 we cover the seven core elements that underpin 'how' someone learns and how we can design interventions around this and our Progress and Attainment Curriculum. 
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Learning Outcomes

Consisting of just 20 GLH, upon completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand the intellectual requirements to sustain and accelerate progress.

  • Describe how the seven Performance Learning steps of ‘how to learn information’ can influence learning.

  • Design targeted intervention plans to deliver Performance Learning’s Progress and Attainment Curriculum.

  • Confidently engage a learner and encourage them to complete all lessons.

  • Document progress through the Progress and Attainment Curriculum.

  • Describe how the seven Performance Learning steps of ‘how to learn information’ can influence learning.

Unit aims

To complete Unit 4, you will need to:

Demonstrate how intellectual prerequisites sustain and accelerate progress across one or more phases within an academic setting.

Understand the seven ‘how to learn information’ steps work and provide case studies to show how progress is hindered when one or more of these elements is weak.

Design targeted intervention plans to deliver Performance Learning’s Progress and Attainment Curriculum effectively.

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